
Photo Challenge #2: Shallow Depth of Field

A committee meeting was held on Tuesday and we spent much time discussing how we go forward, especially in the light of recent covid developments. The last half of the season will continue to be run over Zoom and the cost will remain at £25.00. Andrew will be sending out forms shortly, please return these and pay, either online or by cheque to Andrew promptly, by early January at the latest. Remember that you will not be able to enter January's competition unless you are a paid up member!

We also hope to include some outings to places of interest locally, and suggestions were put forward for us to work on! If any member has any suggestions or knows of any photo-opportunities happening (preferably outdoor) please let Peter T or any other member of the committee know.

Please get your menu choices and pay for the Christmas Dinner, if you wish to attend. If by any chance we have to cancel the event, don't worry, your money will be refunded to you.

Paul Carter is doing a great job with the club's archives. He has put out a request for more images of club events held in the past - distant past to recent past!! Anything showing members and/or the event or outing. It will make the archives so much more interesting.

Last night's meeting was the last 'Photo Challenge' of the year - 'Shallow Depth of Field'. Members showed their images and what an interesting collection of images there were - model cars and flowers featured strongly!! There was a great atmosphere, some members showed some wonderful examples and some who were trying something new, showed their examples of what they had learnt. It was so interesting to see what people had been 'snapping' and what interested them. There were several requests to hold more of these events, it is such a good way to interact with members when we can't 'do face to face'.