
Nine members show us a bit about themselves!


Good Morning Everyone

Last night's meeting started with a few notices from our Chair, Peter Tickner. The Committee met on Tuesday 8 November and there are a few matters arising from that. It has been decided to continue the programme in the format that it is now, ie alternating speakers on Zoom with face-to-face meetings. This means that there is a much larger pool of speakers to call on and the quality of speakers can be maintained. He thanked and congratulated the Programme Secretary, Diane Rowe, for putting together such a good and varied programme. He pointed out that the cost of speakers had gone up dramatically, post pandemic. This cost will need to be covered and he put out a request for more members to be introduced to the club.

The final hand in date for the competition has been extended as Paul (Competition Secretary) is away for a couple of days. Final hand in is now Friday evening, mounted images must be delivered to Peter T before then and digital images emailed to Paul at Please email Peter T at or ring him on 01823 660276 to arrange a drop off time.

We have 2 WCPF (Western Counties Photographic Federation) Competitions looming, we will be asking for members to think about their most stunning, quality images that have not featured in competitions yet. A request will be sent out soon to members with full details, but it is something to be thinking about! We also have battles with Chards CC and Dulverton CC coming up in the New Year.

The evening's 'entertainment' was provided by members! Nine members bravely showed us a bit about themselves by showing and talking about some images that reflected a bit about the inner person!! It provided a fascinating insight. Some talked about how they got into photography, showing some early images either by or of themselves. Some talked about their type of photography and in what direction they hoped to go and some talked about their travels to various locations around the world. For some, we learnt about their roots, their interests and family. A very varied and interesting evening (and we weren't locked out of the school!!)

Peter T rounded off the evening by thanking everyone who took part.

He also told us that Paul Carter, who is currently our Web Master and Competition Secretary, was standing down at the next AGM. If anyone could consider taking on either or both roles, please talk to Peter T. Diane (Programme Sec) is also planning to retire from her post, in 2024, so we are also looking for someone to learn her role and work with her for the next year. Again, please talk to Peter T or one of the committee.

Next week is a Zoom talk (in the comfort of your own home!!) - Wednesday 16th November 'One A Week Every Week!' Join us as Darren Pullman describes his project to take photographs throughout 2019 & 2020.

I will be sending out a link at the weekend.

See you next week and have a good week!