
Alan Cameron: 'Travels In The Golden Triangle'


Last night Alan Cameron spoke to us about a holiday he and his wife took in India just before the pandemic hit. He travelled in The Golden Triangle, Delhi and Jaipur plus Karnataka, Kerala and the Ranthambore National Park. Many of us who had also travelled to these parts saw places that we recognised, but surprisingly, I didn't see anyone I recognised!! (joke, as a 'small' city in India is one that has 1 million inhabitants!!). We also saw images of some of the wildlife that he saw including a couple of tigers. The talk gave us a flavour of this fascinating country, full of surprises and wonderful sights. Don't really think I can add any more!!

Next week we are back in the Rugby Club, our chairman- Peter Tickner is talking to us about his travels. Don't forget it is also final hand in date for the March competition - High Key or Low Key. Please do look at our website for a description/explanation of this competition. This a DPI competition, so email your entries to Paul at on or before Wednesday 8 March.

I include here a note from Paul, our Competition Secretary - please note!!

“It will soon be hand-in for the next competition so a quick reminder: I do not edit image titles. Please check your titles for spelling mistakes, editing comments etc because the judge will see exactly what you name your images. There are usually a few [what appear to be] typos in each competition. I do not correct these because I don’t know what the author intended; they may be a genuine play on words or deliberate spelling for all I know and I’m not going to second guess your intentions so please double check before submitting entries.

Please also remind yourself of the rules for naming images ( In particular, how and where to use the T or O for themed/open entries (at the end!!). When it comes to numbering your entries, 1 or 2 digits is fine but make sure you use 0 (zeroes) not O (letters) as Dicentra will not accept the latter and if I miss one, I have to go back to the image, edit it and re-run the competition creation process all over again. Thanks.”

Peter E reminded us of the upcoming WCPF Members' Exhibition and encouraged members to enter some images, entries close on March 11 and Paul Carter has kindly offered to take any prints to the WCPF meeting on that date. Prints would need to be delivered to Paul or me before that date.

I hope to see you all next week - it'll be good to see people in person, it seems ages since we all met - don't forget your coffee/tea mugs and stuff!!