
Ric Gillams: 'Self Drive Safari To Namibia'


Last night's talk attracted one of our largest attendance, which didn't 'drop off' towards the end of the evening which is a good indicator that it was being enjoyed! When I looked there were 37 people watching, which included a few visitors who were doing a similar trip later in the year.

Our speaker was Ric Gillams who talked about and showed us images of his trip to Namibia. He clearly loved the experience, the amazing scenery and of course the encounters with the animals of the area. He journeyed in a high end 4 wheel drive vehicle (don't ask me what it was!!) which was well equipped for this type of journey. They were definitely braver people than me; the camping was a bit 'wild ' at times, although in specified areas, open to all predators sometimes!! Cooking by open fire etc, travelling just where they fancied.

The scenery and landscape featured at the beginning. Namibia is famous for the huge sand dunes and they certainly did look amazing, the scale of them being highlighted by a tiny dot that was a tree or person! Huge landscapes that looked exhausting to walk up!! Ric carried an array of lenses with him and had fun experimenting with different lenses, focal lengths etc. At times a very alien landscape that looked fascinating.

The second half was all about the wild life and some really stunning images. Very natural and not 'arty' but he captured the wildlife beautifully in their habitat. Some lovely ones of many different species at a water hole with reflections and loads of elephants enjoying themselves. I thought it was an evening of interesting and stunning images from an area that Ric clearly loved.

Next week is a Challenge 'week! Members are invited to bring 5 - 10 images in to the meeting (at the Rugby Club) on a memory stick, on the subject of 'Weathered' (either new ones or ones from your 'back catalogue'), and say a few words about them. This is just for interest and a bit of fun, and a chance to see some of your images, non judgementally and non competitively.

It is also hand in for the last competition of the 22-23 season. This is a print competition on the subject of 'Food' and the usual 'Open'. Please also forward your digital images to Paul, at Please look on the website for full instruction and details.

All the meetings for the rest of the season are at the Rugby Club - don't forget your mug and refreshment making stuff as you wish.

I would like to thank you for the 'Congratulations' for my surprise success at the WCPF Members' exhibition (Gold Medal for Best Overall Image plus one other acceptance). We should also congratulate the other members who had acceptances: Peter Elliston who had an amazing 8 acceptances, Huw Thomas (2) and Nick Farnham (2) . It was a great result for WDCC and kept us firmly 'on the map'.