
James Kerwin: Abandoned Architecture


Last night was another great and unusual talk that Diane had managed to source. It was also a very 'international' evening. We had attendees from Germany and South Africa (that's dedication!!), the speaker was in Istanbul and showed us slides from numerous countries around the globe!

James Kerwin is a very engaging speaker who talked about 'Hidden Architecture', his travelling companions and how he captured his images. They were stunning and very interesting, I couldn't help wondering about the things these rooms and buildings had seen in an forgotten era. As underwater ballroom in Surrey - who knew!! His website features many of the images that were shown last night and is well worth a visit - as his YouTube channel. He also talked about the kit that he used and some of his 'post' processing techniques.

I have attached the document that James sent through with notes and links [see link below] mentioned in his talk - do take a look. There may be some tips for forthcoming competitions 'Urban Scene' (November) and 'Architecture' (January).

Next week's meeting is back in the Rugby Club for the October competition 'Abstract' and Open. I think it will be really interesting to see how members have interpreted 'Abstract' and how the Judge rates them!! There's bound to be some discussion (controversy?) on the matter!! Competitions are always interesting and the critiques are always useful even if you haven't entered the competition, it is a great way to learn!

There were no other notices - so hope to see you next week - don't forget a mug for tea/coffee and/or your own cold drink !

James Kerwin's Notes and Links