
Club night: Photo Challenge #2 - 'Movement In Water'

Good Morning Everyone

Last night was a great success with about a dozen members showing their images on the broad subject of Movement of/in/around Water. It was fascinating to see other peoples' images, the sort of images that other people take and how people interpreted the subject. We saw lots of waterfalls - from smaller local ones to one of the largest in the world, seas, wave, lakes, puddles and many other types of 'water'!

It was also interesting to hear a bit about each photo from their photographer. We saw people nearly getting swept off by huge waves, people having fun in and around water, wild life in above water and wonderful landscapes. A big thank you to all who took part and to all who ventured out on such a cold evening.

Next week is titled a 'Portrait Evening', this one will be a portrait evening with a difference!!! The Karate Club that runs at the Rugby Club at the same time as our club has kindly allowed us to take photos of the participants 'in action'. This is an amazing opportunity for some action shots in what may be slightly testing conditions, there cannot be any use of flashes or any additional lighting. We will have to be mindful of not intruding too much onto the participants' lesson and not get in their way. It is also hoped that some of the other members and their parents will also be available for a portrait session in our usual meeting room which will mean that we are able to split into groups so that we do not overcrowd the karate session. It has been agreed to make some of the images available to the participants. Sound like a wonderful opportunity!

As you are no doubt fed up of hearing, I am away and 'off duty' for a couple of weeks from this weekend till the weekend of 27/28 Jan. Huw Thomas has kindly offered/agreed to cover my duties. If you have any information that you would like circulated, please send it to Huw at Also if you have any other questions etc about WDCC, please address them to Huw at this email address.

Have a good couple weeks and see you when I return; as long as I don't get eaten by lions!!