
WCPF Travelling Exhibition


Last night we had a chance to look at and talk about the WCPF (Western Counties Photographic Federation) Travelling Exhibition, a selection of prints from the Print Exhibition of 2023 and a few from 2022. Steve Wilcox gave us a reminder of some of the principles of critiquing images and reminded us that everyone's opinion was valid, to find positive things to say, to suggest alternatives and that there is no right and wrong. We looked and critiqued the prints in small groups and discussed them freely. A very informal evening with a chance to look at the prints of others and to exchange views.

Many thanks to people who stayed behind to sort the prints into their correct order in the correct boxes and to Dave D who did the teas and took the prints to pass on to a member of Phoenix group of Photographers (Taunton) for their print evening.

Next week, Wed 20th March is a zoom meeting, I'll send the link out at the weekend. We have Roger Stevens from Bexley Audio Visual Group, who will talk about Audio Visuals and will show us award winning AVs from a variety of authors, - from the comfort of your own homes!!

Huw tells me that there are plenty of entries for the March competition, so it looks as if we'll have another good evening on 27 March!!