
March Competition


Good Morning Everyone. Last night we had a full house for the March competition - Theme 'Leading Lines' and Open. The judge for the evening was Richard Curzon, who gave some valuable comments. He complemented the club on the high standard of images and the variety, both in the themed section and the open section. I found it interesting to see how the theme was interpreted by members. I thought some interpretations were more obscure than others (IMHO) - my comment not the judge's.

Congratulations to Lynne Thomas who had all four of her images held back and to Chris Mowthorpe who gained the top 2 slots in the Themed section. Also 'Well Done' to everyone who entered and made it such a great competition.

Themed - Leading Lines
1st Sea Defences - Chris Mowthorpe
2nd Buttermere Tree - Chris Mowthorpe
3rd A late lunch at Lyme Regis - Peter Elliston
HC Honister Pass - Lynne Thomas
HC Not Talking Again - Steve Wilcox
TT At least someone looks up to me - Tony Gemmell
TT Hanging out to dry T - Lynne Thomas
TT Into Football - Wendy Jennings
TT The Levels T - Nick Farnham
TT Is the road uphill all the way - Diane Rowe

1st A Troubled Mind - Steve Wilcox
2nd Into the unknown - Lynne Thomas
3rd Simply Flowers - Huw Thomas
HC Sycamore Gap - Lynne Thomas
HC Here's Looking at You - Polly Knowles
TT Basket Maker concentrating - Polly Knowles
TT A mountain of clouds - Ovi Fabian
TT Me and my machine - Diane Rowe
TT Top Hat - Wendy Jennings
TT Stack - Martin Cumper

I haven't seen the League table yet (it is still early!!) but I fear my place at the top is really in danger, not that I'm being competitive or anything.

Next week we are back at the Rugby Club. Details are yet to be decided but Diane will surprise us no doubt. I'll let you know when I have the details. I think there might be a bit of 'Member Participation'.

Peter T congratulated the members who had had images accepted for the WCPF Members' Exhibition particularly Steve Wilcox, Peter Elliston and Chris Mowthorpe who had each won medals for one of their images.

Our very best wishes go to Mike Barrow, our trusty equipment officer who hasn't been well and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Thanks to Di for making teas and coffees and, of course, everyone who helped tidy up and put stuff away after the meeting. Also thanks to Tony G who came armed with Easter Eggs, that was a lovely surprise!!

Happy Easter everyone and have a great week.