
Peter Benson: 'Photography On the Dark Side'

This report will be very short - as some of you will have gathered, I cannot hear much at the moment due to an ear infection. I apologise, I really tried to listen, with the volume turned up and earphones, I still couldn't hear much. If anyone gave out any notices, please could you email them to me and I will circulate. I had to give up before the end last night, the effort of trying to hear completely wiped we out - sounds pathetic but true!!

Last night we welcomed Peter Benson with his talk - Photography on the Dark side. I might not have been able to hear but I could look at the images! They looked great, very dramatic and crystal clear. I think he gave interesting facts about the areas he photographed and the images - but I couldn't catch much of that!!

He gave some insight as to how he achieved these images. He also offered a 10 percent discount on any Welly Camera Club member on his workshops. For more info that I missed and about his workshops - take a look at his website

Next week is competition night! 'Abstract' - which I am really looking forward to, to see how everyone has interpreted this - and of course the open.

Once again, my apologies for this report - or lack of!! Let's hope things have improved by next week