
Jason Wharam: 'Africa, My Journey'


Last night a large number of us we were entertained, educated and generally wowed by the talk from Jason Wharam - 'Africa, my journey'. And what a journey it has been!

It was particularly timely for me, having just returned from a safari in South Africa. Not only had he spent years as a 'Walking Safari' Guide, he was also a highly qualified and experienced researcher and conservationist, and had spent years working in various locations in Africa. Following a serious accident - an injured buffalo was to blame - he is now living in Wales, although spending time in USA and Africa.

The talk started with some harrowing facts and figures of the state of the wild life in the African continent, and even more shocking and harrowing images of mutilated rhinos and other species. Many species are in serious decline, mainly due to illegal activities of poaching and hunting. In some cases, due to conservation policies, the situation is slowly improving but poaching is still a major problem.

After that, some wonderful images accompanied by many fascinating facts and anecdotes about life as a walking guide. Some amazing close ups and longer shots that gave a great feeling of being in the bush in Southern Africa.

Jason invited some feed back, if any of you would like to comment, please send your comments to me and I will forward them on to Jason via Diane.

Peter E gave us information about a shoot he is organising in April, I attach the info sheet, please respond to Peter asap as this will rapidly fill!

Peter T asked (again!) for help with our Website, the position of Webmaster will soon be vacant. If you have any knowledge or interest in the subject, please do contact me or speak to Paul Carter, the retiring webmaster - I can give contact details as required. Paul has done such a brilliant job in keeping the website updated. If you don't have experience, Paul will help train and be on hand to help. We are also considering splitting the job so that it is not quite so time consuming - please do consider this and think if you can help in anyway.

Upcoming Events - Peter E told us of an event with 'strange characters' - comic/fantasy I think - at Shepton Mallet this weekend - he is going and offered a lift - please contact him via contact details on the attached flyer.

This Sunday is the WCPF Club championships, in Exeter - details previously circulated, but on the WQCPF website/Facebook page.

That's about it!! Next week we have Stephen J Dean APAGB with his talk 'Creative'. A landscape and urban landscape photographer with a particular interest in monochrome - another zoom talk, I'll forward the link at the weekend.