
Dave Jordon: '5 Cs of Photography'


Our apologies for the confusion at the start of our meeting last night! The meeting nearly didn't happen when no one could log on, but thank you to Andrew and Nick for rallying round and in the end we were only about 5 mins late starting.

The talk was billed as being by Dave and Joan Jordan, however we didn't see Joan and Dave did a good job with his solo appearance. His talk went back to basics and he talked about things to bear in mind when taking a photograph and ways to improve it once it had been captured. His talk was titled 'The 5 Cs of Photography' - Composition, Cropping, Cleaning, Clutter and Care. His talk was illustrated with loads of his photos which demonstrated the point that he was making.

He talked in depth about each of the 5 Cs and showed how they affected the impact of an image, and how this could be improved. I'm sure that photographers at all levels would have been able to take something useful from the talk, those at the start of their 'journey' would have found it of great value. For the more experienced, it helped to reinforce some accepted guide lines. He also emphasised that it was ok to break the rules!!

The only notice was a reminder about next week, which is the competition - Prints - Open and Themed 'Colour'. We are promised over 60 images, Huw says there are some stunning images!! I'm looking forward to it!! It should be a 'Colourful' evening!!

Nick also reminded us that it was only 2 weeks till the hand in/send in of the next competition which is a pdi comp, the theme is 'Leading Lines'. I for one am finding it quite difficult!! But that is good, we all need to be challenged!!